Finding Jeffrey Harrison: a reading of ‘The One That Got Away’

Jeffrey Harrison’s collections are published in the US and not available through Griffin Books, except his selected poems ‘The Names for Things’ published by the excellent Waywiser Press, which was my own first introduction to his work. One of its blurb quotes is from James Merrill: “There is no one else for whose poems —Continue reading “Finding Jeffrey Harrison: a reading of ‘The One That Got Away’”

Finding Louis Jenkins: links to 4 poems

Louis Jenkinswrites a sentenceand then another. No heartachesabout line-breaks. One way I think about poems is as generalised jokes.  Reductionist, for sure — but if a joke is a short text that amuses, then a poem is a short text that evokes or provokes some (any) emotional response, or a complex of emotional responses (which might include amusement). Continue reading “Finding Louis Jenkins: links to 4 poems”

Finding Kim Addonizio: a reading of ‘Near Heron Lake’

Kim Addonizioskewers you ab initio.Her first lineshave tines. These notes were written to introduce Addonizio to the Finding Poetry book club, at a meeting in which we considered ‘Wild Nights’, a selected poems published by Bloodaxe. ‘Near Heron Lake’ is the second poem at this link: I don’t often like the blurb on poetryContinue reading “Finding Kim Addonizio: a reading of ‘Near Heron Lake’”

Finding Kay Ryan: a reading of ‘Dew’

Kay Ryanis a lion-essof wiliness These notes were written for the book club, Finding Poetry, which I run with Griffin Books, Penarth. The second book I recommended was ‘Odd Blocks’ by Kay Ryan. This is a Selected published by Carcanet. I enjoy Ryan so much that I have all her USA- published collections. ‘Dew’ comes fromContinue reading “Finding Kay Ryan: a reading of ‘Dew’”

Finding Billy Collins: a reading of ‘Snow’

This post is one of a series. The notes were written for the book club, Finding Poetry, which I run with Griffin Books, Penarth ( The first book I recommended (in February 2021) was ‘Taking off Emily Dickinson’s Clothes’ by Billy Collins.  Billy Collinseschews semi-colonsand other formal devices.He writes about mices. ‘Snow’ comes from Collins’sContinue reading “Finding Billy Collins: a reading of ‘Snow’”